MedAvise Consultants, LLC


Medical Federal Prison Experts

Whether you are Pre-Trial, Pre-Sentenced or Designated to a Prison facility, there are many unknowns that result in anxiety, especially if this is your first incarceration. MedAvise Consultants, LLC can help assist with Navigating the maze of Medical Services at each phase of incarceration. This includes what to expect, what services may or may not be available, how to communicate medical needs to Medical Staff at a facility, how to request designation to a specific type of facility, how to be sure you receive needed medications, and what to expect in an emergency.

From the Prosecutor or BOP Attorney perspective MedAvise Consultants, LLC can review any medical records and assist in understanding what are the detainee, or inmate’s medical needs and requirements. MedAvise Consultants, LLC reviews all medical records Prior to, as well as since incarceration to help determine cause and effect, as well as level of responsibility for conditions and/or outcomes.

Have questions? Call us at: (786) 539-3340

Personal Injury/Disability

If you or your client has a personal injury or potential disability, MedAvise Consultants, LLC will confidentially and fairly review all appropriate medical records to assist in determining cause and effect as well as potential prognosis as a result.

Have questions? Call us at: (786) 539-3340

Collaborative Physician

MedAvise Consultants, LLC will provide Chart Reviews as a Collaborative Physician for Physician Assistants or Nurse Practitioners for routine chart reviews on a regular basis.  With extensive experience reviewing Mid-Level Practitioner charts on a daily basis, our Reliability, Professionalism and Confidentiality will be a welcome addition to your practice.

Have questions? Call us at: (786) 539-3340

Medical Malpractice

MedAvise Consultants, LLC will review medical records for either Plaintiff or Defendant to assist in determining if there is a likely case of Medical Malpractice, or an unexpected well documented outcome. 

Have questions? Call us at: (786) 539-3340

Mortality Reviews

Having performed several hundred Multi-Level Mortality Reviews over 20 years, MedAvise Consultants, LLC will review medical records to help determine if there are obvious cause and effect issues that clearly resulted in an unexpected death.

Have questions? Call us at: (786) 539-3340

Utilization Review, Quality Assurance, Case Management

MedAvise Consultants, LLC are Board Certified in Utilization Review, Quality Assurance, and Case Management.  MedAvise Consultants, LLC will review Medical Records to assist with Hospitalization, Insurance Approvals, Denials, and Grievance submissions

Have questions? Call us at: (786) 539-3340

Independent Medical Evaulations (IME’s)

MedAvise Consultants, LLC will provide an independent Medical Evaluation of submitted Medical Records for any reason you or your Attorney deem appropriate. If a Zoom meeting/examination is indicated, MedAvise Consultants, LLC will gladly provide one.  Evaluations will be performed timely, confidentially, and of course, professionally.

Have questions? Call us at: (786) 539-3340

Medical Advice, Advocate

Are you confused, or not understanding your Medical Professional’s explanation of your test results and/or condition and treatment options?  MedAvise Consultants, LLC will review all your medical records, confidentially and help interpret them in a fashion you comprehend. This does not constitute a treating Patient-Doctor relationship, rather, MedAvise Consultants, LLC would assist you understanding your personal issues.  MedAvise Consultants, LLC will advocate for you with your Medical Practitioners but, of course, cannot guarantee a specific outcome, treatment, medication, or test.

Have questions? Call us at: (786) 539-3340

Have questions about our services? Reach out now